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integrates the phases of a creative process   into an intentional and emergent  whole. Terzidis (2007) 

3D Drawings

We enhance any project with our creative approaches’ to incorporating innovative technologies with traditional building practices.


The Buildaberg team is dedicated to the people who live, work and play at each and every project location.

Design (v.)

late 14c., "to make, shape," ultimately from Latin designare "mark out, point out; devise; choose, designate, appoint," from de "out" (see de-) + signare "to mark," from signum "identifying mark, sign" (see sign (n.)).


The Italian verb disegnare in 16c. developed the senses "to contrive, plot, intend," and "to draw, paint, embroider, etc." French took both these senses from Italian, in different forms, and passed them on to English, which uses design in all senses.

The true value of our work should be measured by the life cycle costs rather than first-costs. Our buildings have longer life expediencies and lower operating costs than their conventionally-built counterparts. We incorporate a continuously evolving building methods and material selection, from techniques for generating energy to nontoxic cleaning products.


Buildaberg’s Design Philosophy starts with the belief that designs should be a seamless experience from the inside to the outside. Each of our designs is shaped to evenly join the natural environmental conditions and individual comfort. This happens by utilizing the highest quality materials with highly refined attention to detail thus insuring long-term durability.

ADA & Universal Design
ADA Compliance and Universal Design Principles

Our staff have a long history of working to ensure universal access for all. Our managing partner has a life-long commitment to universal design and designing places for all people. Together,  our team can help plan your project to be accessible for all employees, the public and people of all abilities.

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, employers who have 15 or more employees are usually required to provide reasonable accommodations.

Some state and local laws may require that employers with fewer employees provide reasonable accommodations.


Reasonable accommodations comes in many forms.

Site Maps
Site Maps

We utilize a wide collection of data to help analyze how a project should be designed to fit a property or community.


We develop site maps that include rich visuals of the existing environment, including zoning, topography, snowload, FEMA floodplains, groundwater basins, watercourses and a wide variety of biological resources, such as Owl Habitat, to help us sync our project design with the natural capital of a property.

For each project,

we gather, display, and analyze 

satellite photography and historical data, described explicitly in terms of geographic coordinates or implicitly, in terms of a street address, postal code, or forest stand identifier as they are applied to geographic models.

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Our project maps deliver powerful mapping images that facilitate design, publication, and spatial imaging that apply location-based analytics to your business practices.


To help our clients gain greater insight, we contextual tools to visualize and analyze your project data to ensure your project is designed for current and future needs.


Buildaberg is involved in all aspects of planning on behalf of our clients, including the processing of:


  • Variances

  • Conditional Use Permits

  • Lot Line Adjustments

  • Parcel Rezones

  • California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Initial Studies, Negative Declarations and Mitigated Negative Declarations (IS/ND/MND)

  • Williamson Act contracts and compliance

  • 3-acre Timber Conversions 

  • Code Enforcement remediation and compliance

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3D Drawings
Packaging & Labeling

We write project descriptions and design AutoCAD plans to illustrate how projects sync with zoning code and general plans.

Packaging and Labeling

Every customer knows the importance of product and packaging and label design very well. Some customers purchase products solely based on the packaging or labeling design. Having unique packaging and labeling can help products stand out on a crowded shelf - which can ultimately lead to higher number of units sold.


Our commercial clients often find our working relationship extends beyond the design of their facility and often leads to our involvement in developing a brand strategy and interactive media designs for their business. Our long history of graphic and illustration designs, dating back to 2002, helps us build real brand identity by blending the physical characteristics (color, shapes, fonts etc.) of a clients physical space with their product’s physical identity.


By combining two seemingly divergent designs paths, the physical building or site with a clients packaging or labeling design, we are able to develop unique design elements to help client products stand out from the competition.

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3D Drawings
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Design has changed quite a bit over the last couple decades, for the better. Our intent of incorporating 3D design into the real estate development process is to allow clients, decision makers and communities at-large the ability to visualize the space, movement, and access. Not only does 3D modeling help the designers and end users visualize space requirements, but also improves drawing efficiency and accuracy.


3D modeling is one way the construction industry can benefit from 3D technology greatly. It involves the process of creating a mathematical representation of any object or surface in three-dimensional spaces using specialized software. It basically brings 2D, flat ideas to life.

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